Marlboro Communicates

Marlboro continues to pursue its mission to ensure that residents are informed of both the day-to-day activities that occur in our community as well as during times of emergency. By providing a variety of communication methods it is our goal to be able to communicate with every resident even when some lines of communication are disrupted during weather emergencies.

We encourage you to sign up for any or all of the Marlboro Resident Communications below.

 Swift 911 - Marlboro Police Department
Click here to Sign up for Swift 911 notices

Registration for home, cell and text messages strongly encouraged
SWIFT911™ is a high speed notification program with the capability of delivering recorded warnings to the entire community or targeted areas, via telephone, email, text or pager. There are already over 21,000 phone numbers in the Township’s database. Messages can be transmitted through the Marlboro Township Police Department or Office of the Mayor and the system can contact up to four telephone numbers until reaching the designated party. Emergency and Non-emergency messages are also able to reach TTY (teletypewriter) phones used by those who are deaf or hard of hearing.

SWIFT911™ in its simplest form is a system that makes phone calls to specific people or residential and business areas, in the event of an emergency or for sharing important information. Examples from the Marlboro Township Police Department may be to advise of water or gas main breaks leading to emergency road closures, missing person’s alerts, water shortage regulations or notification of crimes in the area. Examples from the Office of the Mayor may be to advise of Township events such as Town meetings and parades.

Click here for more information

Marlboro Township e-Bulletin

The "Marlboro Township e-Bulletin " e-mail registration list is an "Opt-In" style mailing list. You must register to receive Marlboro email notices.

  1. As a registrant of this list you will receive a weekly bulletin from the Township.
  2. You may receive emails more often in the event of emergency notifications, information deemed timely or urgent by the Township or the Office of Emergency Management, and notices required by law.
  3. Email notices will, as applicable, explain the website update and will normally include a link to the page that has been updated.
  4. Every e-mail notice sent out contains a link at the bottom for you to unsubscribe.
  5. If you change your email address, please unsubscribe from the old email address and re-subscribe with the new email address.
  6. If email notices are rejected five consecutive times by your email provider, you will automatically be unsubscribed from the list. It is suggested that you enter ‘This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.’ into your address book.
  7. New Jersey courts have ruled that municipal email lists are a public record and are therefore subject to the Open Public Records Act.

Click here to register for the e-bulletin

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